The impact of covid-19 on going concern ....

The impact of covid-19 on going concern ....

The impact of covid-19 on going concern ....

Question :

为什么auditor要知道COVID-19 对我公司的影响?

Why auditor asks me any COVID-19 impact on my business?

Answer :

因为要了解公司在疫情的冲击下能不能持续经 (Going concern)

Auditor wants to know whether the company’s going concern is affected by COVID-19.

Question :

什么是going concern?

What is going concern?

Answer :

Going concern 其实是指公司会继续经营,并且有能力偿还债务。

Going concern is an accounting term for a company that is financially stable enough to meet its obligations and continue its operation.


This does not means that the company is not allowed to close in future, but at least not to cease business in the next 12 months.



How should I reply to auditor?

Answer with Illustration: -

Auditor: 你是做food court的, 生意有没有被COVID-19 影响到?

As a food court operator, any COVID-19 impact on your business?

Client: 生意跌到够够力! 现在都很少人敢出来吃饭了!

Of course! Our sales dropped a lot! Now nobody come out to eat…

Auditor: 你有想过怎么样让你的生意可以继续经营或者是克服目前的困境吗?

Do you ever think that how to overcome this pandemic?

Auditor: 政府最近有推出很多津贴, 你有申请吗?

The government announced several types of incentive, have you applied?

Client: 有,我有申请WSP和 SME loan。WSP拿到了,SME loan还在等。

Yes, I have applied for WSP and SME loan. We received the WSP already but still waiting for SME Loan.

Auditor: Ok, 这样你的公司会继续经营咯,刚刚你提到的那些计划还有津贴,有没有相关文件可以给我看一下吗?感谢!

Ok, so I assume your company is in going concern basis right? Can you also provide me the relevant document to me? Thank you!

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